PDFxtract: The Next Generation of AI OCR

Accurate Data Extraction, Simplified

Coming Soon

How It Works

With PDFxtract, converting your PDF documents into structured data is simple. Follow these three steps to extract key information in seconds.

Upload Your PDF Files

Easily upload your PDF documents to our user-friendly interface.

Select Data Fields

Choose specific data fields from your PDFs, such as names, dates, and totals.

Smart Extraction, Ready to Download

Let AI precisely extract your selected data from PDFs and arrange it into a structured, tabular format.

Break Barriers, Unlock Data

Extract information previously locked in PDFs, including intricate tables, unstructured text, and custom fields — all with exceptional speed and precision.

Key Features

What Makes PDFxtract Stand Out?

Effortless Batch Processing

Quickly extract specific data fields, like names, dates, and addresses, from multiple PDFs at once — no coding required.

Smart and Accurate

Leverage advanced AI OCR technology to extract data with exceptional precision, even from complex documents.

Simple, User-Friendly Interface

Designed for simplicity, PDFxtract ensures a smooth and intuitive experience for users of all technical backgrounds.

Secure and Confidential

Your documents are processed with the highest security standards, ensuring your data remains private and protected.

Fast and Reliable for Any Task

Whether it’s a single PDF or a batch of files, PDFxtract delivers accurate results quickly and effortlessly, saving you time and energy.

© PDFxtract. All rights reserved.